What are the benefits of using Melly caffeine diffuser?


Why did Melly Pen develop caffeine diffuser, a new caffeine intake technology? Compared with traditional coffee, tea, various functional drinks, and even caffeinated medicines, what are the characteristics and advantages of caffeine diffusers? Here is a summary by David, the chief health development expert of Melly Pen. David said:

  1. Small Dose but More Efficient and Proportional Absorption David said that according to our laboratory comparison of 193 groups of subjects, the caffeine level in the blood of the subjects increased significantly within half an hour before and after using Melly Caffeine Diffuser. Compared with drinking a 235ml Starbucks coffee, the caffeine ratio in the blood increased by 13.1%. Then, interestingly, the caffeine ratio in the Melly Caffeine Diffuser device is only 40mg/ml, and the content ingested by the subjects is only 11.7mg after conversion. A standard cup (240ml) of freshly brewed coffee contains about 92mg of caffeine, which shows that the efficiency of caffeine intake through a caffeine diffuser is 9 times that of traditional caffeine beverages. David explained that in the way of drinking coffee, caffeine needs to be digested by the digestive system and then enters the blood. There is a problem of loss and time efficiency in the middle, and Melly Pen's caffeine diffuser can enter the blood directly through the respiratory system, so the dosage is smaller and the efficiency is higher.

    Method Caffeine Content (mg) Blood Caffeine Increase (%) Efficiency Ratio*
    Melly Caffeine Diffuser 11.7 Significant increase within 30 minutes 9x
    Starbucks Coffee (235ml) 92 1x 1x
  2. Easy to Carry and Use Melly pen caffeine diffuser is smaller than a pen and very convenient to carry. Whether you are at work, at school, in the car, on the road, when you need to be refreshed in time, you can take it out and use it directly. Take a dozen or twenty puffs to quickly refresh your energy and maintain your attention, reducing the time and inconvenience of buying beverages.

  3. Reduce Dependence on Sugar and Reduce Calorie Intake We know that traditional caffeinated beverages contain more or less sugar, which may be a disaster for diabetic patients, and these beverages contain a high proportion of calories. Long-term drinking of this type of beverage may be a big challenge for our health and body weight. Melly pen caffeine diffuser does not contain sugar or any calories, which is a better choice.