What is the difference between a melly caffiene vapes and a nicotine vapes?


Differences Between Melly Caffeine Vapes and Nicotine Vapes

Melly caffiene vapes  and nicotine vapes operate on similar principles, but their ingredients and usage methods are very different:

  1. The ingredients and content are different:

    • Melly caffeine vape juice contains glycerol, flavors (pure plant-based), caffeine and other vital components such as amino acids and taurine; its nicotine vape counterpart includes mostly glycerol, flavors and nicotine.
    • As is evident from these two products, their main distinction lies in whether or not one contains nicotine; without nicotine present, there will be no dependence or risk associated with inhaling Melly caffeine vapes.
  2. Different dosage and frequency:

    • Traditional nicotine vape users are basically in an unlimited state, and they keep using nicotine vape to maintain their spirits or fight against physical fatigue or addiction. They do not have strict dosage requirements.
    • Melly caffeine vape recommends that users use 20-30 puffs each time to maintain a period of mental improvement.
  3. Different consumer prices:

    • Because nicotine vape has no usage restrictions, it will lead to a high frequency of use and large purchases by consumers, which is also a big challenge for consumers' expenses.